As a coach, I bear witness to what hurts, I bear witness to your heart’s longing.

As a coach, I walk alongside you to achieve your desires.

Being a lawyer is hard. It can feel as though you’re the only one experiencing difficulty, unable to manage all the pressures of law practice. We’re paid to deliver the desired outcome. There is little or no room for error.

Despite all the challenges of law practice, we rarely think or talk about maintaining our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

I offer one-on-one coaching and will work with you on meeting your needs in the following areas:

    • You are experiencing overwhelming stress and/or anxiety and need someone who will listen with a sense of compassion.
    • You would like to develop positive coping mechanisms and tools for managing and working with stress and anxiety.
    • You are experiencing interpersonal relationship difficulties. This maybe your boss, co-worker, staff, clients, friends, or romantic relationship.
    • You want to leave law practice. I can help you explore your options and guide you in finding a career you truly love through a series of exercises, including mindfulness.
    • You want to stay in law practice. Perhaps you enjoy being a lawyer but your current job just isn’t the right fit. I can help navigate this to find meaningful, satisfying work that is right for you.
    • You feel stuck in your current situation and are interested in exploring options.
    • You feel hopeless, discontent and would like to work on feeling good again.
    • You would like support on starting or deepening your mindfulness practice.

Interested in working together? Schedule a complimentary discovery session: