Learn more and register here.

How would you like to improve your legal practice and increase your well being, in only 6 minutes per day? I can show you how to build a more sustainable, peaceful and productive law practice with just a tiny investment of your time.

I’m excited to introduce you to my new online course, “Mindful Pause: 6 Minutes to Better Lawyering.” This program will officially begin on January 1, 2018 but I am opening it for beta testing now. Register now and get access to all the content through the end of 2018!

Who is Mindful Pause for?

It’s for lawyers who want to find a better way to create a more sustainable, joyful and fulfilling law practice. Often, we as lawyers are not taught healthy behaviors or tools for managing the stress, anxiety and the daily pressures. Mindful Pause will create an accessible and enjoyable entry into practices that can reduce anxiety, improve focus and clarity, and enrich the quality of life.

[Learn More]

Questions? Comments? Email Jeena! [email protected]. You can also connect with Jeena on Twitter: @Jeena_Cho

For more information, visit: jeenacho.com

Order The Anxious Lawyer book. Available in hardcover, Kindle, and Audible

Find Your Ease: Retreat for Lawyers

I’m creating a retreat that will provide a perfect gift of relaxation and rejuvenation with an intimate group of lawyers. Interested? Please complete this form: https://jeena3.typeform.com/to/VXfIXq


Thriving Under Pressure workshop