In this episode, I am excited to have Jaime Knepper on to talk about how she found balance between her fulfilling career and wonderful family through a transition from law.

Jaime is a federal government employee specializing in federal energy market regulation. Her current position is the inverse of her first legal career, advising regulated utilities and pipelines on compliance with federal requirements. Jaime is also married to a wonderful feminist who takes on more than his share of the mental load, and mom to a 3-year-old boy and 11-month-old girl.

Topics Covered

  • Deciding if/when to have children, and the difference between not wanting children and wanting children with the right person.
  • How she says she is able to have a fulfilling law career and raise her children due to her supportive husband, and how as lawyers finding the right partner is important for maintaining a work/life balance.
  • Work/life balance – transitioning careers from a law firm to a government position, from the hectic firm to a more family-friendly job.
  • Law school – would she do it again, and advice for people wanting to go to law school.

Questions? Comments? Email Jeena! [email protected]. You can also connect with Jeena on Twitter: @Jeena_Cho

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