In this episode, I am excited to have on Lauren Brunswick to continue to explore parenthood, IVF treatments, and the different, individual journeys we find ourselves on in navigating parenthood as practicing attorneys.

Lauren is corporate counsel at a national nonprofit organization. She previously practiced law with a large international law firm and a boutique law firm. She is a graduate of Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Law. She lives in Miami with her husband and one-year-old miracle baby, Isabella.

Topics Covered

  • Her story on wanting to have a child, navigating the “lawyer timeline” of building her career, and continuing to practice while trying to start and be present with a family.
  • Things she wished she knew before she started her fertility journey – what would she tell her younger self?
  • Tips for navigating the world of fertility treatments while practicing law.


Questions? Comments? Email Jeena! [email protected]. You can also connect with Jeena on Twitter: @Jeena_Cho

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