[Podcast Mini] On Heartfullness and Gratitude
In this episode, I am excited to have Karen Gifford on to speak on heartfullness; its definition, its application, and its benefit.
In this episode, I am excited to have Karen Gifford on to speak on heartfullness; its definition, its application, and its benefit.
Karen Gifford is back on this week. We talk about how she began practicing compassion, how she had to reframe her outlook and definition of compassion, and why it was such a challenge at first.
Karen Gifford is COO of Ripple Labs, global leader on distributed financial technology. I am excited to have her back on to talk about falling in and out of a meditation practice and how to revitalize it.
In this episode, I am excited to have Karen Gifford on to discuss co-writing our book, The Anxious Lawyer, her wellness routine, and life after law.
When I work with lawyers, often, they get stuck and feel overwhelmed because they are trying to do too much, change too quickly and force their way through their struggles rather than take a gentler, smarter approach.
Join me for an intention setting session. You're invited to this 1-hour session to pause, reflect, restore, and gain clarity for 2018. We'll explore getting comfortable with uncertainty and uncomfortable feelings which can get in the way of moving towards [...]
Mike Ethridge is back on this episode to discuss wellness in the workplace. For those that haven’t listened to the previous episodes with Mike, he is an attorney from Charleston, SC, and a champion of wellness for lawyers.
I am so excited to have spoken to Debbi Mack in this week's episode. Debbi Mack is the New York Times bestselling author of IDENTITY CRISIS, the first book in the Sam McRae mystery series.
One of the most profound exercises suggested by the teacher of my mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) course at Stanford University was to practice gratitude. He suggested that even something simple like taking a shower is an opportunity to practice [...]
I am excited to have spoken to Nicole Sandoz, Lauren Dubin, and Michael Goldman: 3 amazing lawyers from Georgetown Law School.