This moment. This breath. It’s precious.

When I work with lawyers on anxiety management, we spend a lot of time connecting with the breath, connecting with the body.

Anxiety lives in the body. Lawyers often believe they can think their way out of anxiety. You can’t. That brilliant lawyer mind, it’s uniquely wired to worry and be anxious.

The lawyers in my workshops often share that they cannot stop thinking about work. Ever.

Here’s the thing. In order to break the cycle of anxiety, we must be willing to actually pay attention to how it shows up in the body. We have to slowly unlearn the conditioning of constant worry, catastrophizing, perfectionism, and overwork.

We must learn to pay attention to our life. Really embody it. Really live it and love it. One moment at a time.

If there’s one gift I want to impart on my daughter, it is the gift of presence.


(Photo of me and my daughter. She’s wearing her hanbok skirt, which is traditional Korean clothing.)